Group no.1: Sara Sultan, Sidra Reza, Zainab Shahid


In the website module our task was to construct/produce a campaign website including sound and video for a campaign(e.g. political,health,charity,environmental). The site should include a logo, original photographs, (minimum four per student), written text, audio, video and easy navigation. If done as a group task, each member of the group to produce at least four pages of the site, following the same house style.

Before we began planning the layout or the construction of the website in general, we had to come up with various issues we would like to campaign about. These issues had to be political,health,charity or environmental. Below are some of the ideas we came up with.

1) Political issues reigning in Pakistan. There were a number of issues we came up with. Some of them were the
Dr.Afia Siddique issue which is an extremely publicized and controversial issue in Pakistan. A lot of material would be available to us regarding this topic since it is the main issue in every magazine. We also had our own opinions on the topic and felt that a good awareness campaign could be created on it. We also planned to branch out into women's rights
and merge the two issues together.

Heart Disease was our second idea. Due to the high increase in the incidence of Heart disease, a campaign website on the risks of Heart disease seemed like a good idea. They are the leading causes of death for both men and women in the world and making an awareness website about it would increase the knowledge people have for heart disease. Our main focus would be on Cardiovascular Disease and its three main branches; Heart failure, Stroke and Coronary Heart Disease. We would construct the website in accordance with what these diseases are, the various risks associated with them and the prevention and treatment methods.
3) Our third idea was to campaign about an existing charity organization called Islamic Help. It gives out funds and help to any situation, be it finding homes for orphans or reconstructing earthquake hit areas.

After coming up with these three ideas, we discussed them with our sir( for website module). After discussing all these ideas, we felt that making a website on Heart Disease would be most appropriate. Women's rights is a highly controversial issue and we wanted to avoid such political issues because of the controversy associated with them. Also, getting original photography in cases like Dr.Afia Siddique would be impossible. We also rejected the charity idea because it would get quite tedious and boring to work on a charity for 8 weeks. Making a website on Heart Disease would be a lot more interesting and the photography would be possible. Also, it is a very common disease nowadays and we felt that an awareness website should be made on it.