We also constructed the flowchart and navigation for the website using Photoshop which was not a major problem at all.

The navigation bar and the rollover effect:

Theme development and layouts were also to be shown in Photoshop. We logged onto the Internet and checked out various website templates to get a general idea. We did a lot of research before actually starting the design for the main page. We played around with the layout for the main page in order to get a different look. We also tried out a lot of colours and selected the ones that looked the best at the end. We chose pinks and white initially, then moved onto maroons, reds and white and the logo in golden yellow. The colors of the logo kept changing along with the different layouts we tried. We finally settled on different shades of blue with white and dark grey text. The layout for the secondary pages soon followed. We decided to put in a large flash image on the left with the content on the right.

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